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Organic cannabis company dedicated to producing clean and high quality products for registered patients and caregivers of Maine.

Living Soil

Living Soil is an organic style of cultivation and an excellent example of biomimicry.  By observing healthy ecosystems in the natural world, we have been able to create effective procedures in an indoor controlled environment to maximize soil and therefor overall plant health.   

For plants to uptake nutrients required for growth, organic matter in the soil needs to be broken down into a plant available food source. A diverse and healthy ecosystem within the soil is necessary for this complex and beautiful process. Everything from worms to mites and microscopic organisms like bacteria and fungi are constantly working symbiotically to achieve this goal.

Unlike synthetic fertilizers, this gives the plants much more say in the food that they consume with their ability to "communicate" with these organisms and consume what they need, when they need it.  Our job is to ensure these nutrients are available and balanced within the soil. 

This beautiful ecosystem acts as a part of the plants overall immune system, much like our own microbiome.  This helps to increase the plants resiliency when facing outside pests and pathogens.  

Product Spotlight

Banana Macaroon
Trifecta Tincture
Guava Pie
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Instagram Spotlight


Caregivers & Patients!
Please reach out with any questions about products and quality.

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